When In Rome: Build & Bear

Dec 10, 2023    Russ Smith

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. Maybe you have a story about encountering a bear. What happened?

2. There’s that saying Unity in the essentials, liberty in the non-essentials, and in everything love. What do you think are some of the essentials about what Christians believe? What are some of the non-essentials?

3. Is there a way in which you feel “strong” in your faith in God that you need to be careful about when you’re around someone that’s “weak” in their faith?

4. How about the opposite - what way do you feel “weak” in your faith that’s sometimes difficult when you’re around people that are “strong” in their faith?

5. To build & bear this week, the big challenge for us is to listen to someone (be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry). What’s another way you can build & bear people this week?