#mystruggle: Letting Go
Have you ever felt like everyone else has it all together and you’re the only one that’s struggling? The reality is, we all struggle from time to time — it’s part of the human experience. But we don’t have to struggle alone. Chances are, if you’re struggling or have struggled with a particular issue, someone else has too. In this series called “#mystruggle,” some of the TMP staff will share some of the things they have struggled with and how they’ve worked or are working through them.
Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:
1) What were some interesting hobbies you saw start over Covid? Did you have any?
2) What’s your favourite thing that you own, and what would it take to give it up?
3) Read Mark 10:17-27 (Take 60 seconds to reflect on what stood out to you.)
4) Why do you think the rich man’s money and stuff were holding him back from following Jesus?
5) What is something in your life that might be holding you back from following Jesus, and what would it look like to let it go? (Take 60 seconds to reflect before answering.)