The City Youth Clippers!

Friday, Nov 11th

On Fri, Nov 11th, there will be no City Youth Connect Night, but the Nanaimo Clippers hockey team will be playing, and we thought it would be awesome to support them!
So whoever wants to go support the team is welcome to join The City Youth at the game, and cheer them on!

Here's the Plan!
6:30pm - Meet right outside the front doors to the Frank Crane Arena (Click for Map).
6:50pm - Head Into arena and find our seats
 9:00pm (Or when the game finishes) - Pick up at the same spot

Ticket Cost is $8.00 (Ages 6-12) & $11.00 (Ages 13-18). Pre-purchase has already happened, so bring money to the game to purchase your ticket.

We are really excited about this event, and if you have any question, email!

CLippers Registartion