Waste Management: Wasted Pain

Jun 30, 2024    Sylvia Thomson

1. What kinds of questions do you find yourself asking when life gets painful? 

2. We heard how people with leprosy can’t feel pain. What do you think life would be like without pain? What are some advantages to experiencing pain?

3. Have you ever wondered how God could be good and not make your pain stop?

4. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to his purposes. (Romans 8:28) We heard how God renews, upcycles and restores us through our pain. How have you experienced good in your pain?

5. Read Hebrews 5:7-10. Jesus is able to identify with our pain because he experienced it himself. How does that encourage you and show you what God is like despite the pain we experience in life?

Commit to memorising Romans 12:2.