Slaying Dragons: The Path To Wrath
1. Share a time when you found yourself getting angry, but later realized it could have been handled better. How did that realization change your perspective regarding anger?
2. What are some things that irritate you? (slow drivers, long lines, etc.)
3. Read 1 Samuel 25:2-13. What stands out to you the most in this story? In what ways do you identify with it?
4. Read Luke 23:24. We heard how forgiveness is the weapon that will help us slay the dragon of anger. How does Jesus’ willingness to forgive model how we should respond to others in moments of frustration or conflict?
5. Read 1 Samuel 25:33-35. How does David’s recognition of God’s hand in Abigail’s actions challenge us to look for God’s intervention in our daily lives?
6. Read Psalm 103:8. Pray and ask God to help you be compassionate, gracious, loving, slow to anger like he is.