Slaying Dragons: The Need For Greed
1. Who is your favourite actor or actress? Why do you like them?
2. We heard how we have an insatiable appetite for more. Do you agree or disagree? What’s one way you think greed shows up in everyday life that people often overlook?
3. Read Luke 12:13-15. Jesus warns about greed. How does he define "life" in this context? How is this definition different from the way the world often defines life?
4. Read Luke 12:16-20. Why do you think Jesus calls the rich man a fool? What was wrong with the rich man’s perspective on wealth?
5. Read Luke 12:21. Jesus says, “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.” What do you think it means to be "rich toward God"? What practical steps can you take to shift your focus from material wealth to becoming “rich toward God”?
6. How does this parable challenge the way you think about planning for the future (e.g., saving money, retirement, etc.)? How can you balance wise stewardship with trusting God?