Slaying Dragons: Pride

Jan 5, 2025    Garry Firth

1. A new year is ahead of you. What is one thing you’re hoping for this year? What would make 2025 a “happy” year?

2. What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word “sin”? In the message we heard how sin is the “fatal, tragic flaw of a character.” Do you agree or disagree? How would you describe or define sin?

3. Read Luke 14:8-11, Why do you think Jesus takes the issue of pride so seriously? What are some ways pride can subtly show up in daily life? (e.g., decision-making, conversations, work)

4. Garry talked about how pride is what keeps us from asking for forgiveness. Do you agree or disagree? What feelings arise when you think about admitting a mistake and asking for forgiveness? Are those feelings rooted in pride?

5. Read Philippians 2:5-8. Humility is the weapon that can slay the dragon of pride. God demonstrated humility in the most profound way. What steps can we take to practice humility?

6. What else stood out for you in today’s message?