Slaying Dragons: Lust (Wonder and Wander)

Feb 9, 2025    Garry Firth

1. Did you have any pets growing up? What was the most exotic or unusual pet you ever owned? (bird, snake, ferret, etc.) 

2. We heard how lust uses the strategy of distraction by attraction. Read Proverbs 7:6-18. The young man in this passage seems unaware of the danger he is in. What are some warning signs we should look for in our own lives to avoid falling into the same kind of danger? 

3. Garry shared the idea that lust gets us to wonder by getting us to hold our gaze a little bit longer and then to wander, both emotionally and physically. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 

4. Read Matthew 5:29. What do you think Jesus meant when he said we should gouge out an eye? Garry mentioned some practical steps that we could take to help us slay the dragon of lust by identifying when we are most vulnerable through the acrostic H.A.L.T.S (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Stressed) What are some other ways we can ‘gouge’ things out of our lives that can help us slay the dragon of lust?

5. Read Philippians 4:8. We heard that another way to slay the dragon of lust is by beating it at its own game of distraction by attraction, done by distracting ourselves by looking at and thinking about better, more attractive things. What was the big takeaway for you from today’s message, and why?